Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hunts of a Lifetime- Moose Hunting In Alaska - Alaska Hunting Seasons, Guides And

Nothing quite rivals the site of a moose in the wild, huge and
gangly, head often raised over its forage, strings of vegetation
hanging from massive antlers. The moose is the most sought after
big game animal in Alaska. Over 7,000 are taken each year from a
population of approximately 175,000.


Licenses, big game tags, duck stamps and hunting permits are
available from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife
Conservation and are obtainable online. Purchase ahead of time
and bring them with you. Licenses are good from the date of
purchase through December 31 of the license year. Big game tags
are necessary for nonresidents if you plan to hunt brown/grizzly
bear, black bear, bison, caribou, deer, elk, goat, moose, bull
musk ox, sheep, wolf or wolverine.


Alaska is divided up into 26 Game Management Units (GMUs). Each
unit has separate regulations and sets its own hunting seasons.
A map of these units and the regulations pertaining to them can
be found on the web at Click on the
GMU of interest and a document defining the seasons will open. A
complete copy of the Alaska Hunting Regulations can also be
downloaded at the ADF&G site.

Alaska moose season generally runs from as early as the 1st of
September until as late as the 20th of September, depending on
the hunting unit. Legal horn size varies between units, but has
been for the most part a 50 inch spread or 4 brow tines. Check
the regulations of the unit you are interested in hunting for
more information.

Important Points

• Mature bulls can weight over 1500 lbs. A kill can yield 400
to 700 pounds of meat and 65 pounds of antlers to transport from
the kill-site. Seasoned hunters recommend never taking a moose
more than a mile from your vehicle.

• A properly sighted rifle of adequate caliber and a
well-placed first shot from a good rest is the best way to avoid
having to trail a wounded moose. A rifle capable of shooting a
bullet of 150 grains or greater at 2500 fps or more is adequate
for moose. A lung shot is the best shot for dropped a moose

• Some moose are migratory; some are permanent residents of an
area. Any one area may have several sub-populations with varying
migratory habits.

• Hunt very early or very late in the day.

• Moose have excellent sight and smell. Avoid being visible in
silhouette, such as on a ridge. Avoid noisy clothing, such as
jeans. Fleece clothing is quieter. Stay downwind.

• Successful hunting is knowing where bull moose will be in the
fall season.

How To Find a Moose

Moose are found throughout Alaska, except on the Aleutian
Islands. They prefer forested or shrubby habitats and generally
avoid the openness of the tundra. They are most commonly found
in southeastern or interior Alaska and their density can range
from 1 moose per 30 square miles to 5 or more moose per square

Their favorite habitats by season are:

Summer - commonly seen in open meadows and around water eating
aquatic plants and drinking large amounts of water.

Fall - Diets change late august to early September to include
woody browse of willow, aspen, poplar and birch. Migratory moose
move to fall ranges for the rut.

Winter - remain in rut areas and feed on low shrubs early
winter. Late winter, mountain moose move to valley bottoms and
lowland burns where they forage on willows along rivers and

Spring - Diet shifts back to herbaceous plants and leaves.
Migratory moose move to calving areas and summer ranges.

How To Scout for Moose

Scout in summer and hunt legal bulls on the opening day of the

Scout after the end of the fall season. Bull moose tend to stay
near rutting areas for a month or two following the rut. Once
you locate a fall concentration area, hunt there the next year
as late in the legal season as possible.

Find and utilize fall migration routes. Rivers, creeks and low
mountain passes are preferred routes.

Keep alert for rubbed trees. Early in September, Bull moose
begin rubbing the velvet from their antlers. They continue to
thrash trees in late September as a sign of dominance.

Watch for droppings. Summer droppings resemble cow patties;
winter droppings are pelletized. Fall droppings are a
combination of the two.

Hunting Techniques

Stand Hunting and Glassing - Select a panoramic view of a
hillside. Don't scan with binoculars. Pick a spot, search it
carefully, then move to a new area. Listen early and late for
antler clashes, mating grunts or breaking branches.

Floating - Floating down rivers and creek in a canoe is the
most pleasant way to hunt for moose. Plus, you have a method of
getting the meat back without carrying it on your back.

Road and Trail Hunting - Cruising the highways with trucks or
four wheelers. Mostly, an unsuccessful and expensive method.
Park vehicles and hike in.

Calling Moose - The four basic sounds made with megaphones made
from birch bark, cardboard or a milk jug.

• Antler scraping on trees and shrubs in early September
• Pre-rut bull "gluck" in early September
• Bull challenge, or "mu-wah" in mid-September
• Cow call, a nasal melodic whine, late in September

About the Author: Moose are the most sought after big game
animal in Alaska and can be the largest animal to haul once
you've killed it. Mark Allen, a freelance writer for, offers helpful information
regarding Alaska hunting guides, Alaska hunting regulations and
hunting seasons.


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