Deer and Deer Hunting - What You Must Know to Be a Top Deer Hunter
By Jimmy HarrisWhen it comes to deer and deer hunting, if you really want to become a top notch deer hunter, you will need to take some very important steps.
Success with anything doesn’t just happen by chance or luck-almost all of the time, it requires you to have some specialized knowledge, and deer hunting is no exception.
Most hunters think that catching a deer is mostly about luck, and while luck plays a part, the reality is that most of your success is dependent on you. Here are some tips to help you get that prized deer as fast as possible.
First of all, remember that where you hunt is the most important factor. Even if you are a bad hunter, you have a chance to get a deer when there are many around, but you could be the best hunter in the world and still not catch one if there aren’t any around. Sounds obvious, but many people don’t pay enough attention to their location, the most critical important aspect.
For deer an deer hunting success, you need to pick an area and get there at least 24 hours earlier to check it out if you haven’t hunted there before. Check out where the deer go to drink, eat, where they reside, and attempt to find the trails they take to and from wherever they happen to be going.
Then you just get yourself in between the two areas and you have set up yourself for success. This is critically important to becoming a successful deer hunter. If you remember nothing else from this article, remember this point, and you should be ready to go.
Something else you might consider doing is going out with an experienced hunter the first time or two, as you will learn a lot about deer and deer hunting from them, and seeing how they do things can really cut some time off your learning curve in a hurry.
Also, watch some hunting shows on television, as you can learn a lot from just watching ten or fifteen minutes of how they do things. Make sure you go out around dawn or later as the sun is just going down, as this is the time you will see the most deer, and therefore have the best chance of success.
Another reason it’s important to go out early is that the deer will not spot you in the area, because if they do, they will likely not go near there that entire day. If you make sure that they don’t see you, you will not have to worry about this.
One final tip: make sure you don’t have any strong smelling items or clothing with you, as deer smell very well, and if you carry anything like that with you, they will detect it in a minute, and avoid you. Remember, if nothing else, remember that location is the most important aspect of your success as a deer hunter.
Keep this info in mind when it comes to deer and deer hunting, and you will achieve success very quickly.
About the Author: For more info on hunting, check out This is a popular hunting site that reviews hunting equipment and locations, such as North Dakota Hunting and much more.
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